Discover the real secret of what specifically gives a Glo-Bus company the competitive edge.Detailed explanation of the 8 decision screens that will force your company to be in its efficient and most profitable form.My guide also contains the strategies on how to kick start your company into profits and the tools required to be implemented if you are trying to stop hemorrhaging if your company is about to go bankrupt. Cut and Dry strategies that are proven to work will allow your company to steal market share acquire profits that will just tick off your enemies. And how to make your company a powerful market leader able to crush opponents like it’s nobody’s business. Strategy is just as important as execution and in The Glo-Bus Simulation Game my guide will give you the foresight on how to avoid the common mistakes that plague new players.

My guide features easy and methodical instructions on how to approach decision screens in the most effective way possible.

Written by a crowned Glo-Bus Simulation Game Grand Champion